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Try to build the view same as below

I have a data like this

Products Sales Units
Product1 100 <1000
Product2 200 <1000
Product3 3000 K
Product4 4000 K
Product5 50000 K
Product6 60000000 M
Product7 70000000 M

Here i am showing Product wise Sales along with Grand total.

if sales is <1000 then show same value
if sales is >1000 and <100000 then show K (Thousands) format
if sales is >100000 then show M (Millions)  format 
else B (Billions) format.

If you crack the challenge send me the workbook to this mail id: 
Challenge_36 Challenge_36 Reviewed by Tableau Basics on May 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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